Default value:
The primary color to default upon.
Last updated: 2.6.0 (09/06/2024)
The ValenceProvider provides every component in your app with the relevant styling and default values that they require to function correctly.
Within the root app file (usually App.tsx
or App.jsx
), import and add the ValenceProvider
import { ValenceProvider } from "@valence-ui/core"
function App() {
return (
{/* Your app here */}
export default App;
Every value that the ValenceProvider supplies to your app can be modified by passing in props to the component:
import { ValenceProvider } from "@valence-ui/core"
function App() {
return (
mobileWidth: 480,
tabletWidth: 768,
desktopLargeWidth: 1024,
tvWidth: 1440,
{/* Your app here */}
export default App;
("light" | "dark" | "system"
Default value:
The user's preferred color scheme.
type defaults = {
/** The default component size */
size: ComponentSize;
/** The default component radius size */
radius: ComponentSize;
/** The default component fill variant */
variant: FillVariant;
/** The default transition duration for animated properties */
transitionDuration: CSSProperties["transitionDuration"];
/** The default shadow style to apply */
shadow: CSSProperties["boxShadow"];
Default value:
size: "sm",
radius: "sm",
variant: "light",
transitionDuration: "0.1s",
shadow: "0px 10px 30px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)",
Default sizes and parameters for common attributes.
type fontFamily = {
/** The default font family to use */
default: string;
/** The font family to use for headings. If not provided, the default will be used */
heading?: string;
/** The font family to use for monospace text. If not provided, the default will be used */
monospace?: string;
Default value:
default: "Inter, sans-serif",
heading: undefined,
monospace: "monospace",
The default font families to use in specific contexts.
function getFont: (property: "default" | "heading" | "monospace") => string;
Finds a font family within the theme context.
type SizeClasses = {
/** The padding to use for components */
padding: SizeClasses<CSSProperties["padding"]>;
/** The height to use for components */
height: SizeClasses<CSSProperties["height"]>;
/** The radius to use for components */
radius: SizeClasses<CSSProperties["borderRadius"]>;
/** The font size to use for components */
fontSize: SizeClasses<CSSProperties["fontSize"]>;
/** The icon size to use for components */
iconSize: SizeClasses<CSSProperties["fontSize"]>;
Default value:
padding: { xs: 10, sm: 15, md: 20, lg: 25, xl: 30 },
height: { xs: 30, sm: 35, md: 40, lg: 50, xl: 60 },
radius: { xs: 2, sm: 5, md: 10, lg: 15, xl: 25 },
fontSize: { xs: 12, sm: 14, md: 16, lg: 18, xl: 20 },
iconSize: { xs: 18, sm: 20, md: 24, lg: 26, xl: 30 },
Standardised sizing guide to use for components.
function getSize: (property: "padding" | "height" | "radius" | "fontSize" | "iconSize", size?: ComponentSize) => any;
Finds a size within the theme context.
type titles = {
1: TextProps;
2: TextProps;
3: TextProps;
4: TextProps;
5: TextProps;
6: TextProps;
Default value:
1: { fontSize: 28, bold: true },
2: { fontSize: 22, bold: true },
3: { fontSize: 18, bold: true },
4: { fontSize: 16, bold: true },
5: { fontSize: 14, bold: true },
6: { fontSize: 12, bold: true },
Props to refer to for titles.
Last updated
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